About Us
The purposes of the Alliance with the Medical Society of the State of New York are exclusively educational and charitable. They are:
- To assist the Medical Society of the State of New York in its program for advancement of medicine and public health.
- To encourage participation of volunteers in activities that meet health needs and to coordinate and advice concerning the activities of these volunteers in component alliances/auxiliaries.
- To initiate and support projects for the betterment of health and welfare of the community with the approval of the Medical Society of the State of New York, Inc.
Elected Officers:
The President or Co-Presidents, President-Elect or Co-Presidents-Elect, First Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, four Directors, Chair of Directors, Director of Members-at-Large.
Appointed Officers:
Director of Finance, Director of Revisions and Resolutions, who have voice and vote, and the Parliamentarian, who has voice but no vote except at the Annual Meeting.
The Annual Meeting:
The AMSSNY Annual Meeting meets annually at the same time and place as the Medical Society of the State of New York Annual Session, to elect officers, hear reports of component county alliances and is the official governing or legislative body of the State Alliance. It transacts all business not otherwise specifically provided for in the bylaws. All members in good standing of the State Alliance are entitled to attend all sessions to report to or to address the Annual Meeting and to discuss pending business. Only voting members may introduce business or vote. Guests may also attend. Voting members are:
- Past State Presidents
- Elected Officers
- Appointed Officers
- State Chairs of Standing and Special Committees
- County Representatives
Board of Directors:
This consists of the elected and appointed officers, Past State Presidents (voice but no vote) unless a Past State President is serving as an officer or state chair. This body carries out the mandates and policies of the State Alliance as determined by the Annual Meeting.
Executive Committee:
This consists of the President or Co-Presidents, President-Elect or Co-Presidents-Elect, First Vice President, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and two Directors appointed by the President. The Secretary, ex officio, is a member (voice but no vote). This committee transacts emergency business that arises between regular meetings. Three members constitute a quorum.